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Source: B cell lymphoma

Morphology: single round cells

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Established from the bone marrow of a 27-year-old woman with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) (diffuse large cell lymphoma, DLCL, stage 4B, at relapse) in 1987
B cell lymphoma
Recommended Medium
80% alpha-MEM + 20% FBS
single round cells
Storage and Shipping
frozen with 70% medium, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO
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If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.

The OCI-LY-19 cell line is a valuable model system for studying diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a common and aggressive subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). This cell line was established in 1987 from the bone marrow of a 27-year-old woman with stage 4B DLBCL, at the time of relapse.

The availability of the OCI-LY-19 cell line has provided researchers with a valuable tool to investigate the molecular and cellular characteristics of DLBCL. As a model system derived from a patient at relapse, the OCI-LY-19 cells offer insights into the pathways and genetic alterations that may contribute to disease progression and treatment resistance. Researchers have utilized this cell line to elucidate key signaling cascades, identify potential therapeutic targets, and explore novel treatment approaches for DLBCL.

Combinations With BET Inhibitors and LRRK2 as a Novel Putative Target in Lymphoma

Inhibitors of the Bromo- and Extra-Terminal domain (BET) family proteins have strong preclinical antitumor activity in multiple tumor models, including lymphomas. The combination between LRRK2-IN-1 and birabresib was also evaluated using the efficacy and potency parameter (CIT) according to the MuSyC algorithm, showing additivity in efficacy and between additivity and synergism in the potency parameter in all the cell lines tested.

To uncover the importance of LRRK2 protein in the growth of GCB DLBCL cell lines (OCI-LY-19 and WSU-DLCL2), a silencing of LRRK2 by siRNAs was performed. LRRK2 silencing affected the cell growth causing a reduction in cell growth after 48 h of silencing (Fig. 1A-C). Total and phosphorylated GSK3β and AKT proteins were analyzed, due to their possible association with the function of LRRK2. LRRK2 silencing led to a downregulation of p-AKT (S473) and p-GSK3β (S9) levels (Fig. 2). The effect on cell proliferation after LRRK2 silencing was increased when LRRK2 siRNAs were combined with the BET inhibitor birabresib. There was a beneficial effect on the proliferation between LRRK2 silencing and birabresib treatment in OCI-LY-19 (48 h) (Fig. 2A). LRRK2 silencing was performed with four individual siRNAs present in the pool. A consistent reduction of proliferation compared to control siRNAs was increased when combined with birabresib (Fig. 2D).

(A) Lymphoma cell lines treated with increasing doses of LRRK2-IN-1 for 72 h. (B) Cells treated with siRNAs targeting LRRK2 at 500 nM for 48 h showed decreased cell growth in OCI-LY-19. (C) Representative immunoblot, of two replicates, performed after 48 h of LRRK2 siRNAs with its quantification.Fig. 1 LRRK2 is important for lymphoma cell lines (OCI-LY-19 and WSU-DLCL2). (Spriano F, et al., 2022)

(A) Viable cells, (B) immunoblot, representative of two replicates, and (C) its relative quantification after treatment with a pool of siRNAs targeting LRRK2 in single or in combination with birabresib for 48 h. (D) Viable cells, (E) immunoblot, and (F) relative quantification after treatment with four single different siRNAs targeting LRRK2 in single or in combination with birabresib for 48 h.Fig. 2 Birabresib improves the LRRK2 silencing effect in OCI-LY-19. (Spriano F, et al., 2022)

What are the specific quality control parameters that are critical for maintaining the reproducibility of tumor cell-based experiments?

Critical parameters include authentic cell lines, absence of contamination, and consistent cell behavior, which contribute to the reproducibility of experiments.

What are the characteristics of OCI-LY-19 cells?

OCI-LY-19 cells are characterized as a B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma cell line. They represent a specific subtype of the disease, namely DLCL, and were obtained from a patient's bone marrow at the relapse stage.

What is the significance of studying OCI-LY-19 cells?

OCI-LY-19 cells are valuable for research and drug development related to B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, particularly the DLCL subtype. These cells serve as an important model system for studying the biology and response of B-NHL to various treatments and experimental therapies.

How are OCI-LY-19 cells used in scientific experiments?

OCI-LY-19 cells are used in a wide range of scientific experiments to investigate the behavior, characteristics, and response of B-NHL cells to different stimuli, compounds, and treatments. These experiments play a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and developing potential therapeutic strategies.

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Accelerating the tumor research

This tumor cell product has accelerated my research substantially. With the cells readily available, I can bypass the time-consuming process of establishing and expanding my cell lines.

09 Jan 2023

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The cells arrive in excellent condition and maintain their characteristics consistently, which has been crucial for the success of my projects.

13 Oct 2023

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The team at Creative Bioarray has been extremely responsive and helpful, providing detailed technical support and ensuring a smooth ordering process.

12 Mar 2024

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