I-FISH Service

High-Precision Interphase Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Accurate Copy Number and Localization Analysis

What is I-FISH?

Interphase Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (I-FISH) is a powerful cytogenetic technique used to detect and localize specific DNA sequences within interphase nuclei. It provides unparalleled accuracy in determining copy number variations (CNVs) and chromosomal localization of genetic elements.

Key Features of I-FISH

  • High-resolution detection of DNA sequences in interphase nuclei.
  • Precise quantification of copy number variations (CNVs).
  • Direct visualization of chromosomal integration sites.
  • Suitable for complex genetic studies and lentiviral vector analysis.

Figure 1. Determination of TNNT2 copy number in TNNT2/ACTC reporter-modified iPSCs. Representative images of I-FISH signals with complementary probe generated from TNNT2 vector in the cells at passages 34, 37, 40, 43 and 46. As a negative control, reporter unmodified cells were used. Images were taken at 100x magnification.

Applications of I-FISH

I-FISH is widely used in both research and clinical settings for a variety of applications:

Gene Copy Number Analysis

Accurately determine the copy number of specific genes or genetic elements, such as TNNT2 and ACTC, in cell populations.

Chromosomal Integration Studies

Visualize the chromosomal localization and distribution of lentiviral vectors or other genetic inserts.

Cancer and Genetic Research

Analyze chromosomal abnormalities translocations, and amplifications in cancer and other genetic disorders.

Pluripotent Stem Cell Studies

Monitor the stability of reporter sequences in ipsCs during prolonged in vitro culture.

Lentiviral Vector Analysis

Determine the integration patterns and stability of lentiviral vectors in host genomes.

High-Throughput Screening (HTS)

Use l-FlSH to validate reporter-modified cell lines for HTS applications.

Our I-FISH Service Workflow

We provide a streamlined and reliable I-FISH service to meet your research needs:


Sample Preparation

Fixation and preparation of your cell ortissue samples for I-FISH analysis.


Probe Hybridization

Hybridization of biotin-labeled probesspecific to your target sequences.


Signal Detection

Visualization and quantification ofhybridization signals using fluorescence microscopy.

Quotation and ordering

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For research use only. Not for any other purpose.