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- Applications
- Skin
- Dermatology
- Wound Healing
Cell Services
- Cell Line Authentication
- Cell Surface Marker Validation Service
Cell Line Testing and Assays
- Toxicology Assay
- Drug-Resistant Cell Models
- Cell Viability Assays
- Cell Proliferation Assays
- Cell Migration Assays
- Soft Agar Colony Formation Assay Service
- SRB Assay
- Cell Apoptosis Assays
- Cell Cycle Assays
- Cell Angiogenesis Assays
- DNA/RNA Extraction
- Custom Cell & Tissue Lysate Service
- Cellular Phosphorylation Assays
- Stability Testing
- Sterility Testing
- Endotoxin Detection and Removal
- Phagocytosis Assays
- Cell-Based Screening and Profiling Services
- 3D-Based Services
- Custom Cell Services
- Cell-based LNP Evaluation
Stem Cell Research
- iPSC Generation
- iPSC Characterization
iPSC Differentiation
- Neural Stem Cells Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Astrocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- T Cell, NK Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Hepatocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Beta Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Brain Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiac Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Kidney Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- GABAnergic Neuron Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Undifferentiated iPSC Detection
- iPSC Gene Editing
- iPSC Expanding Service
- MSC Services
- Stem Cell Assay Development and Screening
- Cell Immortalization
ISH/FISH Services
- In Situ Hybridization (ISH) & RNAscope Service
- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
- FISH Probe Design, Synthesis and Testing Service
FISH Applications
- Multicolor FISH (M-FISH) Analysis
- Chromosome Analysis of ES and iPS Cells
- RNA FISH in Plant Service
- Mouse Model and PDX Analysis (FISH)
- Cell Transplantation Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of CAR-T Cells & Oncolytic Viruses
- CAR-T/CAR-NK Target Assessment Service (ISH)
- ImmunoFISH Analysis (FISH+IHC)
- Splice Variant Analysis (FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (Q-FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (qPCR assay)
- FISH Analysis of Microorganisms
- Neoplasms FISH Analysis
- CARD-FISH for Environmental Microorganisms (FISH)
- FISH Quality Control Services
- QuantiGene Plex Assay
- Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) FISH
- mtRNA Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of Chemokines/Cytokines
- In Situ Detection of Virus
- Transgene Mapping (FISH)
- Transgene Mapping (Locus Amplification & Sequencing)
- Stable Cell Line Genetic Stability Testing
- Genetic Stability Testing (Locus Amplification & Sequencing + ddPCR)
- Clonality Analysis Service (FISH)
- Karyotyping (G-banded) Service
- Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service
- I-FISH Service
- AAV Biodistribution Analysis (RNA ISH)
- Molecular Karyotyping (aCGH)
- Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Service
- Digital ISH Image Quantification and Statistical Analysis
- SCE (Sister Chromatid Exchange) Analysis
- Biosample Services
- Histology Services
- Exosome Research Services
- In Vitro DMPK Services
In Vivo DMPK Services
- Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic
- PK/PD Biomarker Analysis
- Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- Bioanalytical Package
- Metabolite Profiling and Identification
- In Vivo Toxicity Study
- Mass Balance, Excretion and Expired Air Collection
- Administration Routes and Biofluid Sampling
- Quantitative Tissue Distribution
- Target Tissue Exposure
- In Vivo Blood-Brain-Barrier Assay
- Drug Toxicity Services
Wound Healing
A better understanding of the wound healing process leads to generating better products that aid in healing hard-to-heal wounds such as chronic wounds. Cell migration during the wound healing process is an important step of a complete healing. In vivo, the wound healing process includes different cell types (macrophages, fibroblasts, and keratinocytes) coming in and out of the wound bed at different time points. Mimicking the in vivo milieu with an in vitro 3D model will assist wound healing scientists to better understand the wound healing or re-epithelialization process and aid companies in generating better products of helping with hard-to-heal acute wounds and chronic wounds.
Creative Bioarray provides in vitro 3D skin tissue models and evaluation assays to support cosmetic or dermatological industries in generating products of helping with wound healing or re-epithelialization.
Your Needs
- You are looking for a skin model to perform in vitro wound healing testing?
- You wish to screen ingredients, and characterize the efficacy or toxicity or safety of any products or chemicals of wound healing?
- You'd like to find a customized in vitro testing service of wound healing?
Our Capability
In vitro 3D skin models available
- Normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK)
- Normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF)
- Full thickness skin model (FTSK)
- Reconstructed human epidermis (RHE)
- Ex vivo skin explants
Screening assays available
- Evaluating effects of active compounds related to wound healing
- Evaluating effects of different formulations
- Cell proliferation
- Migration ("scratch" assay, Boyden chambers)
- Invasion (Boyden chambers)
- Sequential expression of tissue repair markers(cytokine secretion, protease activities).
- Inflammatory response
- Neovascularization and neuritogenesis
- Extracellular matrix synthesis, fibrosis and myofibroblast interaction
- Dermal remodeling and epidermal differentiation
- qPCR, qPCRarray, RT-PCR
- Epidermal separation
- Immunofluorescence
- RNA extraction
- Protein extraction
- Macroscopy
Assay Examples
Fig1. Increased basal keratinocyte proliferation in 3D FTSK model. Representative images of tissue sections stained for BrdU incorporation are shown (arrowheads mark examples of BrdU-stained nuclei, and arrows mark examples of BrdU-negative nuclei). Quantification of mean percentage of basal keratinocytes positive for BrdU±SD. FTSK, full thickness skin model.
Related Products and Services
Choose our models to perform screening assays in house, or choose our assays and services directly!!
- Normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK)
- Normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF)
- Full thickness skin model (FTSK)
- Reconstructed human epidermis (RHE)
- Ex vivo skin explants
- Compound screening service
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In vitro Skin Models:
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For research use only. Not for any other purpose.