Pain Models

Creative Bioarray is singularly focused on unraveling the complexities of pain through the development of innovative disease models and the evaluation of analgesic drug efficacy. Our commitment to this field is underpinned by a profound scientific understanding and a robust infrastructure that encompasses both expertise and state-of-the-art facilities. This enables us to meticulously investigate therapeutic candidates at the earliest stages of development and throughout the translational phases. We invite you to explore the possibilities with us and to inquire about how our services can advance your project towards its goals.

Despite remarkable advancements in our comprehension of the fundamental mechanisms of pain, acute and chronic pain persist as formidable health challenges. In the United States, the prevalence of individuals suffering from chronic pain surpasses the combined numbers of those afflicted with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. At the core of pain's complexity are three principal events triggered by noxious stimuli: transduction, transmission, and modulation of pain signals. These processes are facilitated through two primary pathways. The ascending pathway conveys sensory information from the periphery to the brain via the spinal cord, while the descending pathway encompasses signals originating from the brain to modulate reflexes and sensory perception through the spinal cord.

To unravel the intricacies of pain and accelerate the development of effective treatments, researchers employ a variety of pain disease models. These models are meticulously designed to replicate the human experience of pain in animal subjects, providing a controlled environment to study the mechanisms, assess potential therapies, and understand the nuances of pain modulation.

Illustration depicting various pain models used in rodent research, showcasing different methods and stages of pain induction in preclinical studies.Fig. 1 Pain models in rodents (Domínguez-Oliva, A., et al, 2022)

Our Animal Models of Pain

Creative Bioarray is deeply engaged in researching a broad spectrum of pain conditions. To facilitate your understanding of our comprehensive portfolio, we invite you to explore the detailed categories outlined below. Each category showcases the diverse array of models we have meticulously developed to represent the various types of pain. Our models are designed to closely mimic human pain conditions, ensuring that the insights gained from our research can be directly translated into effective therapeutic strategies. Whether you are interested in acute, chronic, neuropathic, or inflammatory pain, our extensive collection of models offers a tailored approach to your specific research needs. We are committed to providing you with the most relevant and advanced tools to advance your pain research projects.

Quotation and Ordering

Creative Bioarray offers the most efficient preclinical in vivo pharmacology services in terms of cost and time, all while maintaining the utmost standards of quality and precision. Should you be interested in discovering how a collaborative partnership could bolster your development initiatives, our team of scientists is enthusiastic about delving into the potential opportunities together with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time or submit an inquiry to us directly.


  1. Domínguez-Oliva, A., et al. The neurobiology of pain and facial movements in rodents: Clinical applications and current research. Frontiers in veterinary science, 2022, 9: 1016720.

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