Visceral Pain Model

Are you searching for a trustworthy partner to assist you with your research on visceral pain? Look no further than Creative Bioarray. Our team has years of experience and uses the most advanced technology available to develop a pain model that closely mimics the biological and pathological features of visceral pain. This provides our clients with a reliable, predictive platform for evaluating the safety and efficacy of their drug candidates. You can trust us to deliver accurate and dependable results to help drive your research forward.

The global impact of visceral pain is profoundly significant, accounting for a substantial proportion of all chronic pain conditions. Visceral pain arises from the stimulation of nociceptors located within the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera, the body's internal organs. This type of pain is characterized by its diffuse nature, making it challenging to pinpoint its exact source, and it frequently manifests by being referred to as a remote, typically superficial, body structure. To study and understand visceral pain more deeply, our scientists have established an animal model that replicates the conditions of visceral pain in humans. The model is instrumental in investigating the mechanisms of visceral pain, testing potential therapeutic interventions, and advancing our knowledge towards more effective pain management strategies.

Our Visceral Pain Model

  • Available Animal


  • Modeling Method

Rats are intraperitoneally injected of acetic acid to induce visceral pain.

  • Endpoints
  • Number of writhes for 30 minutes
  • Cytokines analysis
  • Histology analysis
  • qPCR and Western blot
  • Other customized endpoints

Example Data

The writhing test and paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) under different treatments.Fig. 1 The effects of acetic acid, nalbuphine, and PDTC on the writhing test and paw withdrawal threshold (PWT). a The number of writhes for 30minutes in each group. b Mechanical paw withdraw threshold in each group. (Ruan et al. 2022)

Levels of inflammatory factors in the plasma of different animal groups.Fig. 2 Results of plasma levels of several inflammatory factors. The expressions of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-α were compared between groups. (Ruan et al. 2022)

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Creative Bioarray is committed to offering our clients robust and reliable disease models that are designed to significantly accelerate their drug development process. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time or submit an inquiry to us directly.


  1. Ruan, D., et al. Nalbuphine alleviates inflammation by down-regulating NF-κB in an acute inflammatory visceral pain rat model. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2022, 23(1): 34.
  2. Pacheco-Carroza, E.A. Visceral pain, mechanisms, and implications in musculoskeletal clinical practice. Medical Hypotheses, 2021, 153: 110624.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.