Microsomal Binding Assay

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Hepatocyte organelles known as liver microsomes host an abundance of drug-metabolizing enzymes like the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes (CYP450). These enzymes participate in both phase I and phase II metabolic reactions and are central to drug metabolism. Once a drug gets into the liver, it interacts with enzymes in liver microsomes and undergoes metabolic modifications. Such binding involves the physical or chemical attachment of the drug or any other agent to proteins in the liver microsomes. This binding leads to significant effects on the metabolic stability, pharmacokinetic properties, and potential drug-drug interactions.

Creative Bioarray provides high-throughput microsomal binding assays to deliver precise and reliable microsomal binding parameters, enabling customers to gain insight into the metabolic pathways and pharmacodynamics of drugs, that will help inform drug design and optimization.

Why microsomal binding assay?

  • Microsomal binding assay yields parameters on drug metabolic stability within the liver and assess whether a drug acts as an inhibitor or inducer of major drug-metabolizing enzymes. These insights are indispensable for predicting systemic metabolic clearance rates and potential drug interactions.
  • This assay reveals drug-microsome binding characteristics, guiding early-stage drug structural optimization to improve pharmacokinetic profiles and enhance development success rates.
  • Microsomal binding assay helps identify potential reactive metabolites, which may induce toxic reactions, playing an important role in predicting drug metabolism pathways and assessing drug safety.

Factors influencing microsomal binding

  • Drug properties: Chemical structure, molecular weight, solubility, lipophilicity, charge, and ionization degree influence a drug’s binding ability to liver microsomes.
  • Metabolic characteristics: The metabolic rate (e.g., intrinsic clearance, CLint value) indicates the speed at which a drug is metabolized by microsomal enzymes in vivo. Drugs with higher metabolic rates may dissociate rapidly from binding sites, altering their binding with liver microsomes.
  • Enzyme systems: The enzymes within liver microsomes possess high specificity and selectivity. Different enzymes have varying affinities for different drugs, affecting their metabolic rates and pathways. Additionally, certain compounds may inhibit or induce microsomal enzymes, impacting microsomal binding.
  • Environmental factors: Temperature, pH, and ionic strength also impact binding capacity. For instance, liver microsomes exhibit higher enzyme activity and binding strength at optimal temperature and pH conditions.

Our Microsomal Binding Assay

Available SpeciesRat, mouse, dog, monkey, and human (other species available on request)
Microsome Concentration0.5 mg/mL
Test Compound Concentration1 μM, tested in triplicates
MethodEquilibrium dialysis or ultracentrifugation
Analysis MethodLC-MS/MS quantification

Why Choose Creative Bioarray?

  • Experienced pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism research team.
  • Advanced testing platforms and pharmacokinetics data collection and analysis technology.
  • Support for microsomal binding detection of drugs with various physicochemical properties.
  • Professional consulting services to assist clients in understanding and applying experimental results.


1: What is the relevance of microsomal binding detection in drug development?

Microsomal binding detection is crucial in drug development, helping researchers evaluate the extent of drug association with liver microsomes during metabolism. This information is vital for predicting drug distribution, metabolic pathways, and clearance rates, thereby aiding in drug design optimization and increasing bioavailability and development success rates.

2: How do you ensure sufficient drug-microsome binding in experiments to approximate in vivo conditions?

A: In experiments, achieving adequate drug-microsome binding requires optimizing the conditions, including controlling microsome concentration, temperature, pH, and sufficient mixing time. Utilizing precise instrumentation and standardized protocols ensures the reliability and accuracy of results under close-to-physiological conditions.

3: How to interpret microsomal binding detection results?

A: Interpreting microsomal binding data involves several essential steps. Non-specific binding may lead to an underestimation of intrinsic metabolic clearance rates. Thus, determining the unbound fraction in vitro is crucial for correcting such effects. Subsequently, calculate the free fraction from experimental data to extrapolate in vivo metabolic clearance rates.

Quotation and Ordering

For more detailed information on microsomal binding assay or special requirements, please contact us or send an inquiry directly. We look forward to collaborating with you.

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For research use only. Not for any other purpose.