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MSC Validation Kits

Like all adult stem cells, MSC populations are found in small quantities in situ and are technically challenging to isolate from tissue. In addition, freshly harvested MSC populations may also contain other off-target cell types. Therefore, MSCs must be purified and expanded in vitro to reach a sufficient quantity for experimentation. This has to be done carefully as differentiation potential and genomic integrity begin to wane around 5-12 passages. Researchers can use phenotypic and functional assessments to assist in the successful purification and correct identification of MSC identity.

MSC Validation Kits

Creative Bioarray's MSC Validation Kit provides a quantitative solution for the unambiguous identification of MSC. The kit contains a panel of positive and negative selection markers and has been evaluated on a variety of different MSC culture types, such as adipose-derived MSCs, bone marrow-derived MSCs, and umbilical cord-derived MSCs, to ensure that MSC cultures from various types can be clearly monitored and characterized.

Our portfolio of validated MSC differentiation kit is optimized for differentiation into a variety of mesenchymal lineages. The collection includes media designed for the directed differentiation of MSCs into osteogenic, adipogenic, or chondrogenic lineages. For more information on how to differentiate MSCs, click here.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.