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Tissue Sections

Creative Bioarray offers paraffin embedded and frozen tissue sections. Tissues available include human adult and fetal normal tissues, human diseased and tumor tissues, as  well as from mouse, rat, and monkey tissues.

Frozen tissue sections of Creative Bioarray are made from high quality tissues immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen after being excised, and then identified by a board- licensed pathologist. Tissues of Creative Bioarray's paraffin tissue sections are fixed in formalin immediately post excision and embedded in IHC-grade paraffin. Tissue sections provided by Creative Bioarray are prepared in RNase- and protease-free environment and are ideal for 
1.rapidly identifying cellular localization of RNA or protein,
2.cellular localization of the mRNA by in situ hybridization or in situ PCR using both radioactive- and nonradioactive-labeled probes.

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For research use only. Not for any other purpose.