IL-23-Induced Psoriasis Model

Creative Bioarray offers a comprehensive IL-23-induced psoriasis model specifically tailored to assist our clients in evaluating the efficacy of their test compounds. With our services, you can expect reliable and accurate results that are backed by our extensive expertise in disease modeling and our commitment to excellence. Contact us now to learn more about our IL-23-induced psoriasis model and how it can benefit your research.

IL-23, secreted by various immune cells such as dendritic cells and macrophages, potently activates T helper 17 (Th17) cells. In response, Th17 cells secrete cytokines that trigger inflammation and facilitate the recruitment of immune cells to the site of infection or injury. Extensive research has demonstrated that IL-23 levels are significantly elevated in the skin lesions of psoriasis patients, and the inhibition of IL-23 activity has been shown to attenuate the severity of the disease. The IL-23-induced psoriasis mouse model serves as a convenient, user-friendly, and cost-effective tool to simulate acute inflammatory responses. This model is widely employed in mechanistic pharmacology and pathology research, serving as a valuable preclinical animal model for drug screening and testing before clinical trials on psoriatic patients. Its utilization ensures a rigorous and reliable assessment of potential therapeutics, thereby enhancing the drug development process.

Our IL-23-Induced Psoriasis Model

  • Available Animal
  • Modeling Method
    The ears of the mice are injected with recombinant mouse IL-23 or BSA intradermally.
  • Endpoints
    • Body weight
    • Ear thickness
    • Cytokine analysis
    • H&E staining
    • Other customized endpoints: available upon request

Example Data

Decreased IL-1β expression in IL-23-induced psoriasis-like mice by knocking down CCN1 expression.Fig. 1 Decreased IL-1β expression in IL-23-induced psoriasis-like mice by knocking down CCN1 expression.

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Creative Bioarray is committed to sharing our extensive experience in disease modeling with the scientific community. We pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our clients with stable and reliable disease models that are tailored to their specific research needs. Our team of experts has extensive knowledge in the field of disease modeling and is constantly striving to innovate and improve our techniques. We are committed to supporting our clients by providing them with the best possible tools and resources. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us at any time or submit an inquiry to us directly.


  1. Sun, Y., et al. CCN1 promotes IL-1β production in keratinocytes by activating p38 MAPK signaling in psoriasis. Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1): 43310.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.