Exosome Lipidomics Service

Lipids are an essential composition of exosomal membranes. Exosomes contain several unique lipids compared with recipient cells, but these lipid compositions remain largely unknown. Exosome lipidomics analysis may help you identify components in exosomal lipids during disease progression, which may facilitate novel biomarker discovery for diseases diagnosis and prognosis.

LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Figure 1 Lipid classes in urinary exosomes.

LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Figure 2 Extracellular vesicles (EVs) from tumourigenic cell lines have differences in molecular lipid composition compared to EVs from non-tumourigenic cells

Current research has revealed lipid compositions of urinary exosomes in prostate cancer patients and healthy controls by using a high-throughput mass spectrometry method for quantitative lipidomics analysis. This study is the first to show the potential use of exosomal lipid species in urine as prostate cancer biomarkers.

LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Figure 3 Comparison of molecular lipids in urinary exosomes from prostate cancer patients and healthy controls. Percent difference for each molecular lipid. Red and blue colors indicate that the increase or decrease of a molecular lipid, respectively, in the prostate cancer versus the control group. The relative difference is encoded by color intensity.

Creative Bioarray makes it easy to perform your exosome lipidomics research. Our high-throughput lipidomics analysis can provide lipid identification and quantification of your exosomes in detail. To request additional information or quotation for our exosome lipidomics service, please contact us. We look forward to working with you in the future.


  1. Skotland, T.; et al. Molecular lipid species in urinary exosomes as potential prostate cancer biomarkers. Eur J Cancer. 2017, 70: 122-132.
  2. Brzozowski, JS.; et al. Lipidomic profiling of extracellular vesicles derived from prostate and prostate cancer cell lines. Lipids Health Dis. 2018, 17(1): 211.

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