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Nucleic Acid Extraction

Nucleic Acid Extraction

Nucleic acid extraction is the basic method and plays a vital role in molecular biology as the primary step for many downstream applications including PCR reactions, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, expression array assays, sequencing, Southern blotting and SNP analysis. In the past, the process of nucleic acid extraction and purification used to be complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive. Currently, the manual method has certainly come a long way. There are many specialized methods that can be used to extract pure nucleic acids with various commercial offerings which included complete kits containing most of the components needed for isolation.

Creative Bioarray provides a series of Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits for a variety of samples to help our customers accelerate their research. Beyond that, Creative Bioarray also offers extraction service of nucleic acid from a wide range of starting materials. Our experienced scientists will assist you with meeting your objectives and support your projects.


Nucleic Acid Extraction

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