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Cat.No.: CSC-C0458
Species: Homo sapiens ,human
Source: oral squamous cell carcinoma
Morphology: epithelial-like polygonal or round and flat cells (sometimes spindle-form, very heterogeneous) growing in multilayers
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CSF1PO: 11
D13S317: 10
D16S539: 12,13
D18S51: 13
D21S11: 29,30
D3S1358: 15
D5S818: 12
D7S820: 10
D8S1179: 13
FGA: 23
Penta D: 10,13
Penta E: 16
TH01: 9
TPOX: 9,11
Vwa: 17
Immunology: cytokeratin +, cytokeratin-7 -, cytokeratin-8 +, cytokeratin-17 +, cytokeratin-18 +, cytokeratin-19 +, desmin -, endothel -, EpCAM +, GFAP -, neurofilament -
The stability of L-glutamine in culture medium is primarily dependent on the temperature at which it is stored. The L-glutamine concentration is reduced by approximately 2-3% per month in tissue culture medium stored at 2-8°C.
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The tumor cell products at Creative Bioarray have been instrumental in our investigations of the tumor microenvironment.
09 Aug 2023
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