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Cat.No.: CSC-C0478

Species: Homo sapiens (human)

Morphology: Epithelial

Culture Properties: monolayer

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The CAL-27 cells are established from the poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue removed from a 56-year-old man before treatment in 1982. CAL 27 cells are epithelial, polygonal with a highly granular cytoplasm. Immunocytochemical studies show strong positive staining with anti keratin antibodies. The cells do not grow well in semi-solid medium. Marked inhibition of thymidine incorporation was observed in the presence of VP16 (etoposide), CCNU (1-[2-chloroethyl]-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea), VM26 (teniposide), ADM (adriamycin), CPA (cyclophosphamide), and MTX (methotrexate). CAL 27 cells were resistant to treatment with VDS (vindesine sulfate), CDP (cis-platinum) or ACTD (actinomycin D).
Homo sapiens (human)
Tissue of Origin
Recommended Medium
90% DMEM + 10% h.i.FBS
Culture Properties
STR DNA Profile
Amelogenin: X
CSF1PO: 10,12
D13S317: 10,11
D16S539: 11,12
D18S51: 13
D21S11: 28,29
D3S1358: 16
D5S818: 11,12
D7S820: 10
D8S1179: 13,15
FGA: 25
Penta D: 9,10
Penta E: 7
TH01: 6,9,3
vWA: 14,17
Human flat-moded hypodiploid karyotype with 3% polyploidy - 41(38-45)<2n>X, -Y, -4, +7, -10, -11, -18, -20, -21, -22, +2-3mar, add(3)(q21), i(3q), i(7p), del(8)(p21), i(9q), add(13)(p11), add(14)(p11) - sideline with additional der(3) and der(7) - resembl
These cells have been used in studies of anti-tumour agents.

Squamous cell carcinoma
Quality Control
Mycoplasma: negative in DAPI, microbiological culture, RNA hybridization, PCR assays
Immunology: cytokeratin +, cytokeratin-7 -, cytokeratin-8 +, cytokeratin-17 +, cytokeratin-18 +, cytokeratin-19 -, desmin -, endothel -, EpCAM +, GFAP -, neurofilament -
Storage and Shipping
Frozen with 70% medium, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO at about 1 x 10^6 cells/ampoule; ship in dry ice; store in liquid nitrogen
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.
What are non-cancerous growths in the mouth?

Most mouth growths are noncancerous. Warts, yeast infections, and repeated trauma (such as biting or rubbing against a sharp tooth edge) are common causes of noncancerous growths. Use of alcohol and tobacco and oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are risk factors for oral cancer.

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The convenience of tumor cells provided by Creative Bioarray ensures that our experiments are not hindered by limited availability.

17 June 2022

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