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Cat.No.: CSC-C0428

Species: Human

Source: esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

Morphology: epitheloid cells growing in monolayers

Culture Properties: monolayer

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Derived from well differentiated invasive esophageal squamous cell carcinoma resected from middle intra-thoracic esophagus of a 79-year-old Japanese man prior to treatment (depth of invasion was not beyond the muscularis propria); described to carry p53 mutation
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Recommended Medium
Culture Properties
epitheloid cells growing in monolayers
Human hypotriploid karyotype with 16% polyploidy - 66(64-67)<3n>XX/XXX, +1, -2, +3, -5, -6, +7, +8, -9, -10, -15, -15, -17, -18, -19, -20, -22, +5mar (1bisat), ?del(X)(q25), add(1)(p1?), add(1)(p2?), i(1p), der(1)t(1;?)(?;2)(q13;?)(?;q11), add(2)(q37), de
Quality Control
Mycoplasma: contamination was eliminated with BM-Cyclin (tiamulin & minocycline), then negative in DAPI, microbiological culture, RNA hybridization assays
Immunology: cytokeratin +, cytokeratin-7 - , cytokeratin-8 +, cytokeratin-17 (+), cytokeratin-18 +,
Storage and Shipping
Frozen with 70% medium, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO at about 2 x 10^6 cells/ampoule; ship in dry ice; store in liquid nitrogen
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.
What are the consequences of using too much serum?

Too much serum tends to change the cells in culture, especially some diploid infinite cell lines, which are prone to malignant transformation after rapid growth.

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Average Rating: 5.0    |    1 Scientist has reviewed this product

Professional and accommodating

The staff in the Creative Bioarray were incredibly professional and accommodating. They went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied with the services provided.

18 July 2023

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