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- Microscope Platforms
Cell Services
- Cell Line Authentication
- Cell Surface Marker Validation Service
Cell Line Testing and Assays
- Toxicology Assay
- Drug-Resistant Cell Models
- Cell Viability Assays
- Cell Proliferation Assays
- Cell Migration Assays
- Soft Agar Colony Formation Assay Service
- SRB Assay
- Cell Apoptosis Assays
- Cell Cycle Assays
- Cell Angiogenesis Assays
- DNA/RNA Extraction
- Custom Cell & Tissue Lysate Service
- Cellular Phosphorylation Assays
- Stability Testing
- Sterility Testing
- Endotoxin Detection and Removal
- Phagocytosis Assays
- Cell-Based Screening and Profiling Services
- 3D-Based Services
- Custom Cell Services
- Cell-based LNP Evaluation
Stem Cell Research
- iPSC Generation
- iPSC Characterization
iPSC Differentiation
- Neural Stem Cells Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Astrocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- T Cell, NK Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Hepatocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Beta Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Brain Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiac Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Kidney Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- GABAnergic Neuron Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Undifferentiated iPSC Detection
- iPSC Gene Editing
- iPSC Expanding Service
- MSC Services
- Stem Cell Assay Development and Screening
- Cell Immortalization
ISH/FISH Services
- In Situ Hybridization (ISH) & RNAscope Service
- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
- FISH Probe Design, Synthesis and Testing Service
FISH Applications
- Multicolor FISH (M-FISH) Analysis
- Chromosome Analysis of ES and iPS Cells
- RNA FISH in Plant Service
- Mouse Model and PDX Analysis (FISH)
- Cell Transplantation Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of CAR-T Cells & Oncolytic Viruses
- CAR-T/CAR-NK Target Assessment Service (ISH)
- ImmunoFISH Analysis (FISH+IHC)
- Splice Variant Analysis (FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (Q-FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (qPCR assay)
- FISH Analysis of Microorganisms
- Neoplasms FISH Analysis
- CARD-FISH for Environmental Microorganisms (FISH)
- FISH Quality Control Services
- QuantiGene Plex Assay
- Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) FISH
- mtRNA Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of Chemokines/Cytokines
- In Situ Detection of Virus
- Transgene Mapping (FISH)
- Transgene Mapping (Locus Amplification & Sequencing)
- Stable Cell Line Genetic Stability Testing
- Genetic Stability Testing (Locus Amplification & Sequencing + ddPCR)
- Clonality Analysis Service (FISH)
- Karyotyping (G-banded) Service
- Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service
- I-FISH Service
- AAV Biodistribution Analysis (RNA ISH)
- Molecular Karyotyping (aCGH)
- Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Service
- Digital ISH Image Quantification and Statistical Analysis
- SCE (Sister Chromatid Exchange) Analysis
- Biosample Services
- Histology Services
- Exosome Research Services
- In Vitro DMPK Services
In Vivo DMPK Services
- Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic
- PK/PD Biomarker Analysis
- Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- Bioanalytical Package
- Metabolite Profiling and Identification
- In Vivo Toxicity Study
- Mass Balance, Excretion and Expired Air Collection
- Administration Routes and Biofluid Sampling
- Quantitative Tissue Distribution
- Target Tissue Exposure
- In Vivo Blood-Brain-Barrier Assay
- Drug Toxicity Services
Microscope Platforms
The field of biological imaging has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, thanks to the development of various microscope platforms. These platforms enable scientists and researchers to capture detailed images of biological specimens, uncovering intricate details that were previously inaccessible.
Optical Microscope Platform
The optical microscope platform has long been a staple in biological research due to its versatility and ease of use. Within this platform, several techniques have emerged, revolutionizing the way we observe and understand biological structures.
- Structural illumination microscope
Structural illumination microscopy, also known as SIM, is another technique that has significantly improved optical imaging. By employing patterned illumination and subsequent computational analysis, SIM offers resolutions beyond the diffraction limit. This platform has become invaluable in visualizing cellular structures that demand high-resolution imaging. - Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope
FILM obtains images based on the differences in the excited state decay rate from a fluorescent sample. As the fluorescence lifetime is not affected by sample concentration, absorption, thickness, photo-bleaching, or excitation intensity, FILM is more robust than intensity-based methods. Besides, as the fluorescence lifetime is dependent on a variety of environmental parameters, FILM can be applied for functional imaging purposes. - Super-resolution optical microscope
Super-resolution optical microscopy has overcome the diffraction limit, allowing researchers to achieve resolutions beyond what was previously possible with traditional light microscopy. By employing techniques such as stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), these microscopes can capture images with nanoscale precision.
Electron Microscope Platform
The electron microscope platform offers unparalleled magnification and resolution, making it an indispensable tool for studying the ultrastructure of biological specimens.
- SEM (scanning electron microscope)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) allows researchers to capture detailed three-dimensional images of complex biological structures at high magnification. By scanning a focused beam of electrons across the specimen's surface, SEM produces images that showcase intricate details and surface topography. - TEM (transmission electron microscope)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is widely regarded as the gold standard for resolving the finest details in biological specimens. By transmitting electrons through ultrathin sections of samples, TEM creates high-resolution images with extraordinary magnification. Researchers can visualize subcellular structures, such as organelles and macromolecules, and gain valuable insights into their composition and arrangement.
Confocal Microscope Platform
Confocal microscopy has revolutionized biological imaging by eliminating out-of-focus light and enabling researchers to focus on specific cellular structures.
- CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscopy)
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) utilizes point illumination and a pinhole aperture, allowing researchers to capture images from a single plane of focus. By rejecting light emitted outside this plane, CLSM produces sharp and highly resolved images of biological samples. - SDCM (spinning disk confocal microscopy)
Spinning disk confocal microscopy (SDCM) is a technique that combines the benefits of confocal imaging with enhanced imaging speed. By utilizing a rotating disk with multiple pinholes, it captures multiple images simultaneously, reducing acquisition times while maintaining superior optical sectioning. SDCM enables researchers to visualize dynamic cellular events, such as live-cell imaging and rapid 3D imaging.
Creative Bioarray Relevant Recommendations
Creative Bioarray has scientists and imaging laboratories to perform the full comprehensive Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Services for the biological sciences and clinical research including plant samples, animal samples, bacteria, and pathology specimens.
For research use only. Not for any other purpose.