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SuperQuick® BBB-PAMPA Kit
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Drugs often need to cross cell membranes to reach their action targets, which makes a compound's ability to passively cross these cell membranes a critical characteristic to assess. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the critical barrier that controls drug exchange in the brain. BBB permeability determination during the early and rapid screening of compounds is essential for drug discovery. The Parallel Artificial Permeability Assay (PAMPA) allows researchers to assess the permeability of test chemicals across the blood-brain barrier quickly and cost-effectively. Creative Biarray's BBB-PAMPA kit offers all the components needed to run a Parallel Artificial Permeability Assay.
To evaluate test compounds' BBB membrance permeability
Convenient: All materials required for the test are provided;
Simple and cost-effective;
Simple and cost-effective;
Sample Type
Chemical compounds
Donor plate: 1 plate;
Dodecane: 1.5mL;
Acceptor plate: 1 plate;
Dried Lecithin: 1 tube;
High permeability control: 120 uL;
Medium permeability control: 120 uL;
Low permeability control: 120uL.
Dodecane: 1.5mL;
Acceptor plate: 1 plate;
Dried Lecithin: 1 tube;
High permeability control: 120 uL;
Medium permeability control: 120 uL;
Low permeability control: 120uL.
96 tests
Store Permeability Controls, Dodecane, and Dried Lecithin at -20°C on receiving; store Donor Plate and Acceptor Plate at room temperature.
Room temperature
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.
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