High-Fat Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Model

Creative Bioarray is a leading and reliable industry leader specializing in the meticulous development of animal models that accurately replicate human diseases. Among our extensive repertoire of models, we have successfully created the high-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) model. This model is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of NAFLD's pathogenesis and to evaluate potential drug candidates.

The high-fat diet -induced NAFLD model is a pivotal tool in our preclinical research arsenal, designed to closely mimic the pathogenesis of human NAFLD. This model utilizes diets rich in fat to induce obesity and NAFLD in rodents. The model's efficacy in replicating metabolic syndrome, hepatic steatosis, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been well-validated, with variations in diet composition and duration enabling the study of different aspects of the disease.

Our High-fat Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Model

  • Available Animal
  • Rat
  • Mouse
  • Modeling Method

Animals are fed a high-fat diet for 16-20 weeks to induce NAFLD.

Creative Bioarray’s modeling method of high-fat diet-induced NAFLD.Fig. 1 Modeling method for the high-fat diet-induced NAFLD model at Creative Bioarray.

  • Endpoints
  • Body weight
  • Liver weight
  • Serum analysis: ALT, AST, TG, TC
  • Histology analysis (liver): Oil red O staining
  • Other customized endpoints

Example Data

Citrus peel extract mitigates HFD-induced liver damage in rats.Fig. 2 Citrus peel extract protects against HFD-induced hepatic functional damage. (A) AST, ALT, and GGT were measured in HFD-fed rats. (B) H&E staining assay was performed using the liver. (Lee et al. 2020)

Citrus peel reduces HFD-induced liver steatosis in rats.Fig 3 Citrus peel prevents HFD-induced hepatic steatosis. (A) Biochemical analysis of plasma samples. Levels of TG, TC and LDL-c were measured in the plasma of rat in different experimental groups. (B) Liver weight, and liver weight/body weight and liver TG content were measured 8 weeks after initial CPEW and CPEF administration. (C) Liver tissues were subjected to Oil Red O staining. (Lee et al. 2020)

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Creative Bioarray is equipped with state-of-the-art preclinical technology platforms and backed by experienced research and scientific teams. Our comprehensive range of services is delivered with an unwavering commitment to high quality and efficiency, ensuring consistent exceptional high-quality results and rapid turnaround times. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time or submit an inquiry to us directly.


  1. Fang, T., et al. Mouse models of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): pathomechanisms and pharmacotherapies. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022, 18(15): 5681.
  2. Nevzorova, Y.A., et al. Animal models for liver disease–a practical approach for translational research. Journal of hepatology, 2020, 73(2): 423-440.
  3. Lee G H, Peng C, Park S A, et al. Citrus peel extract ameliorates high-fat diet-induced NAFLD via activation of AMPK signaling[J]. Nutrients, 2020, 12(3): 673.

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