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QualiNuclei® Total RNA Extraction Maxi Kit

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QualiNuclei® Total RNA Extraction Maxi Kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total RNA from large inputs of various biological specimens, including cultured animal cells, tissue samples, blood, bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants and viruses. The kit purifies all sizes of RNA including microRNA (miRNA). The extracted RNA is of a high quality and purity with excellent RIN values and A260/A280 ratios, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time RT-PCR, RT-PCR, expression profiling, miRNA profiling, microarrays and Next Generation Sequencing.
Real time RT-PCR, RT-PCR, expression profiling, miRNA profiling, microarrays and Next Generation Sequencing.
8 preps
Storage & Stability
Reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature.
Room temperature or blue ice
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.

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