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MDM2/CEP 12 Probe
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The chromosomal region 12q13-q15 is often affected by translocations and amplifications in soft tissue sarcoma 1 and chronic lymphocyticleukemia 2-5 in humans. This region includes the mouse double minute2 (MDM2) gene. MDM2 inhibits p53 transcriptional activity by binding to p53 and moving the protein into the cytoplasm. 1 This results ininactivation of the tumor suppressor and the formation of tumors, which ultimately leads to cancer.
When the Murine Double Minute (MDM2) gene is over-expressed it enhances the tumourigenic potential of cells. The oncogene product forms a tight complex with the p53 tumour suppressor protein and can inhibit p53 mediated transactivation, leading to escape from p53 regulated growth control. MDM2 has been shown to be amplified in around 7% of human tumours. The use of FISH in well differentiated liposarcoma has been a valuable diagnostic tool.
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