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Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including osteocytes, adipocytes and chondrocytes. Mesenchymal stem cells proliferate quickly and are capable of generating a local immunosuppressive microenvironment, thus contributing to their wide application potentials in tissue engineering, cell therapy and gene therapy. Human Umbilical Cord Blood MSCs are derived from the umbilical cord blood, which collected after normal full-term delivery of healthy pregnant women. They have a strong capacity for self-renewal while maintaining multipotency.
Recommended Medium
SuperCult® Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium
For Research Use Only
Dry Ice
Quality Control
Sterility, Safety, HIV/viruses, bacteria, fungi: negative.
Storage and Shipping
Remove cryovials (dry ice packaging) and place the vial into liquid nitrogen for storage. Alternatively, thaw and use the cells immediately.
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.

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For research use only. Not for any other purpose.