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CLL Screening Probe
- Specification
A selection of haematology probes and an alpha-satellite probe for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. Chromosome 12 Enumeration probe
This product is a repeat sequence probe labelled in red which recognises the centromeric repeat sequence D12Z3. This product is also available in 5 (LPH 028-S) and 10 (LPH 028) test kit sizes and has been optimised for overnight hybridisation.
ATM (11q22.3)
The ATM gene is an important regulatory candidate in cell damage management. When it is deleted damaged cells are neither repaired nor apoptosed and are allowed to proliferate. The detection of the ATM deletion in CLL is important as it indicates optimal therapy. MYB (6q23.3)
The MYB gene is essential in haematopoietic cell proliferation and differentiation. It is located on chromosome 6q23 and is a 6q marker. 6q is associated with the pathogenesis of CLL.
This product is a repeat sequence probe labelled in red which recognises the centromeric repeat sequence D12Z3. This product is also available in 5 (LPH 028-S) and 10 (LPH 028) test kit sizes and has been optimised for overnight hybridisation.
ATM (11q22.3)
The ATM gene is an important regulatory candidate in cell damage management. When it is deleted damaged cells are neither repaired nor apoptosed and are allowed to proliferate. The detection of the ATM deletion in CLL is important as it indicates optimal therapy. MYB (6q23.3)
The MYB gene is essential in haematopoietic cell proliferation and differentiation. It is located on chromosome 6q23 and is a 6q marker. 6q is associated with the pathogenesis of CLL.
5x5 tests, 5x10 tests

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If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.
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