Featured Products
- EUB338 Probe
- WCP 1 FISH Probe
- WCP 2 FISH Probe
- WCP 5 FISH Probe
- WCP 7 FISH Probe
- WCP 11 FISH Probe
- WCP 17 FISH Probe
- WCP Y FISH Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 2 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 4 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 5 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 9 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 11 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 12 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 14 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 15 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 16 Point Probe
- Mouse Chromosome 18 Point Probe
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All Mouse Centromeric Probe
- Specification
New applications for mouse molecular cytogenetics are becoming apparent. Such applications include the definition of transgene integration sites in epigenetics studies, the characterization of the mouse genome as a result of increasingly sophisticated techniques for its engineering and the screening for cytogenetic abnormalities in cell lines, such as embryonic stem cells. FISH mapping in mouse is complicated by the relative difficulty of mouse chromosome identification (karyotyping) by laboratories that are not accustomed to mouse chromosome banding techniques. Fluorescent karyotyping can be made easier by the use of counterstains or multiple reference probes but each approach needs specialized equipment and experience. These Mouse probes are used to develop model systems for studies in the fields of genetics, mutagenesis, developmental cancer biology and also as human surrogates for studying the effects of genotoxic agents.
5 Tests, 10 Tests
Whole chromosomes

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Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.
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