Ovariectomy (OVX)-Induced Osteoporosis Model

Creative Bioarray stands at the forefront of preclinical research, boasting a diverse array of disease models tailored to meet the demands of various therapeutic areas. For the development of osteoporosis drugs, we offer the ovariectomy (OVX)-induced osteoporosis model. In addition to our OVX model, we also offer a series of clinically relevant assessments that are designed to comprehensively evaluate the therapeutic potential of osteoporosis drugs. We invite you to further explore our services and discover how we can support your preclinical research efforts.

Osteoporosis is an age-related disease manifested by loss of bone density, with postmenopausal women at higher risk of developing the disease. The OVX model is a classic model of osteoporosis. OVX can induce a decrease in estrogen levels and increase the recruitment, differentiation, and survival of osteoclasts so that bone resorption exceeds bone formation, which eventually leads to osteoporosis. The bone mass loss after modeling was mainly trabecular bone loss, which is similar to the bond loss in postmenopausal women.

Our Ovariectomy (OVX)-Induced Osteoporosis Model

  • Available Animal
  • Modeling Method
    After anesthetization, animals in the sham group only undergo abdominal incisions. Animals in the osteoporosis group are induced by ovariectomy (OVX) via a midline abdominal incision.
  • Endpoints
    • Body weight
    • Histology analysis: H&E staining
    • Bone mineral density (BMD)
    • Micro-CT
    • Serum analysis: estrogen, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), etc.
    • Cytokine analysis
    • Other customized endpoints

Example Data

Changes of serum levels of estrogen (estradiol, E2)Fig. 1 Changes of serum levels of estrogen (estradiol, E2)

Istomorphometric analyses of 4th lumbar vertebrae in the sham, OVX-C and OVX-R group: BV/TV (A), Tb.Th. (B), Tb.N. (C), and Tb.S. (D)Fig. 2 Istomorphometric analyses of 4th lumbar vertebrae in the sham, OVX-C and OVX-R group: BV/TV (A), Tb.Th. (B), Tb.N. (C), and Tb.S. (D)

In addition, we also provide other osteoporosis models that maybe you are interested in:

Quotation and Ordering

Creative Bioarray takes pride in our extensive expertise in efficacy studies. Our team of highly skilled professionals is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that accelerate the drug discovery process and enhance the development of innovative therapeutics. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us at any time or submit an inquiry to us directly.


  1. Lee, H.H., et al. Rutin improves bone histomorphometric values by reduction of osteoclastic activity in osteoporosis mouse model induced by bilateral ovariectomy. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 2020, 63(4): 433.
  2. Mu, P., et al. Preparation for Animal Models of Osteoporosis: a Systematic Review. 2021.

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