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SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium
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SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium is a chemically defined, serum-free, xeno-free media developed to support (with the addition of appropriate cytokines) the proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC). SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium does not contain any exogenous growth factors, artificial stimulators of cellular proliferation, or undefined supplements. SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium's formulation is complete and contains human albumin, recombinant human insulin, and pasteurized human transferrin.
SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium has been successfully used in the culturing of CD34+ cells from a variety of sources including bone marrow, cord blood, peripheral blood, and fetal liver and a variety of species including both mouse and humans. HPGM™ Hematopoietic Growth Medium has been successfully used in the differentiation of CD34+ cells down a variety of lineages including erythroid and megakaryocyte.
SuperCult® Human Hematopoietic Growth Medium has been successfully used in the culturing of CD34+ cells from a variety of sources including bone marrow, cord blood, peripheral blood, and fetal liver and a variety of species including both mouse and humans. HPGM™ Hematopoietic Growth Medium has been successfully used in the differentiation of CD34+ cells down a variety of lineages including erythroid and megakaryocyte.
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