Cell Services
- Cell Line Authentication
- Cell Surface Marker Validation Service
Cell Line Testing and Assays
- Toxicology Assay
- Drug-Resistant Cell Models
- Cell Viability Assays
- Cell Proliferation Assays
- Cell Migration Assays
- Soft Agar Colony Formation Assay Service
- SRB Assay
- Cell Apoptosis Assays
- Cell Cycle Assays
- Cell Angiogenesis Assays
- DNA/RNA Extraction
- Custom Cell & Tissue Lysate Service
- Cellular Phosphorylation Assays
- Stability Testing
- Sterility Testing
- Endotoxin Detection and Removal
- Phagocytosis Assays
- Cell-Based Screening and Profiling Services
- 3D-Based Services
- Custom Cell Services
- Cell-based LNP Evaluation
Stem Cell Research
- iPSC Generation
- iPSC Characterization
iPSC Differentiation
- Neural Stem Cells Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Astrocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- T Cell, NK Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Hepatocyte Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Beta Cell Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Brain Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Cardiac Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Kidney Organoid Differentiation Service from iPSC
- GABAnergic Neuron Differentiation Service from iPSC
- Undifferentiated iPSC Detection
- iPSC Gene Editing
- iPSC Expanding Service
- MSC Services
- Stem Cell Assay Development and Screening
- Cell Immortalization
ISH/FISH Services
- In Situ Hybridization (ISH) & RNAscope Service
- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
- FISH Probe Design, Synthesis and Testing Service
FISH Applications
- Multicolor FISH (M-FISH) Analysis
- Chromosome Analysis of ES and iPS Cells
- RNA FISH in Plant Service
- Mouse Model and PDX Analysis (FISH)
- Cell Transplantation Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of CAR-T Cells & Oncolytic Viruses
- CAR-T/CAR-NK Target Assessment Service (ISH)
- ImmunoFISH Analysis (FISH+IHC)
- Splice Variant Analysis (FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (Q-FISH)
- Telomere Length Analysis (qPCR assay)
- FISH Analysis of Microorganisms
- Neoplasms FISH Analysis
- CARD-FISH for Environmental Microorganisms (FISH)
- FISH Quality Control Services
- QuantiGene Plex Assay
- Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) FISH
- mtRNA Analysis (FISH)
- In Situ Detection of Chemokines/Cytokines
- In Situ Detection of Virus
- Transgene Mapping (FISH)
- Transgene Mapping (Locus Amplification & Sequencing)
- Stable Cell Line Genetic Stability Testing
- Genetic Stability Testing (Locus Amplification & Sequencing + ddPCR)
- Clonality Analysis Service (FISH)
- Karyotyping (G-banded) Service
- Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service
- AAV Biodistribution Analysis (RNA ISH)
- Molecular Karyotyping (aCGH)
- Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Service
- Digital ISH Image Quantification and Statistical Analysis
- SCE (Sister Chromatid Exchange) Analysis
- Biosample Services
- Histology Services
- Exosome Research Services
- In Vitro DMPK Services
In Vivo DMPK Services
- Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic
- PK/PD Biomarker Analysis
- Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- Bioanalytical Package
- Metabolite Profiling and Identification
- In Vivo Toxicity Study
- Mass Balance, Excretion and Expired Air Collection
- Administration Routes and Biofluid Sampling
- Quantitative Tissue Distribution
- Target Tissue Exposure
- In Vivo Blood-Brain-Barrier Assay
- Drug Toxicity Services
Protocol for Trachea and Eye Embedding in Mice by TEM
This technique is used to study mice's respiratory and ocular systems. This method involves collecting tissue samples from the trachea and eyes of mice and embedding them in a microscopic medium for analysis. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) allows for high-resolution imaging of the samples, providing detailed information about the structure and function of these systems.
- Prepare the required instruments and fixative beforehand and place them in a 4°C refrigerator for pre-cooling. Both tracheal and ocular microscopic extractions should be rinsed with saline quickly after dissection or put directly into pre-cooled 2.5% glutaraldehyde fixative (shelf-life of 1 month) and kept in 4°C refrigerator, which is generally required to be completed within two minutes.
- Wash with PB 5 times for 10 min, then 1% osmium tetroxide fixed for 1 h.
- Wash with ddH2O 5 times for 10 min and stain with uranium for 2 h.
- 30% ethanol, 50% ethanol, 70% ethanol, and 90% ethanol are used in sequence for 15 min, while 100% ethanol is used 2 times for 10 min and epoxypropane 2 times for 10 min.
- Use resin/solvent (1:1, ddH2O), and resin/solvent (3:1) in that order for more than 2 h. At room temperature, 100% resin for more than 2 h or overnight.
- To accelerate the rate of solidification of the resin, the catalyst DMP-30 is added and then embedded. The embedding is carried out in the embedding plate by adding resin resin-containing catalyst to each small hole in the embedding plate, then picking out a small piece of tissue with a toothpick and placing it at one end of the small hole, picking out another piece and placing it at the other end, making a parallel for each one. And then the embedding plate is put into the oven at 60°C for 48 h or more to make the embedding block solidify and form.
Creative Bioarray Relevant Recommendations
- Creative Bioarray has scientists and imaging laboratories to perform the full comprehensive Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Services for the biological sciences and clinical research.
- The key to the preparation of biological samples for electron microscopy is that the samples must be made to reflect the state they were in when they lived.
- Don't let the tissue block take off liquid during dehydration and soaking and washing to avoid drying out.
For research use only. Not for any other purpose.