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SuperQuick® MDR1/P-gp Ligand Screening Kit

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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of ATPases includes P-glycoprotein(P-gp, multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1)), which is a transmembrane transporter protein. P-gp has a very broad substrate specificity and can transport a wide variety of neutral and anionic lipophilic compounds. Many medications' oral absorption, tissue distribution, and excretion are all influenced by P-gp, and some lipophilic drugs' penetration across the blood-brain barrier is prevented. P-gp overexpression makes tumor cells resistant to chemotherapeutic medicines, such as doxorubicin, vincristine and paclitaxel, since it actively pulls these medications out of the cells. The Creative Bioarray MDR1/P-gp Ligand Screening Kit provides rapid screening of test compounds for the regulation of efflux transporter activity in cells expressing MDR1.
To evaluate the permeability of p-gp-expressing cells to compounds
High sensitive;
High throughput.
Sample Type
Chemical compounds
Efflux Assay Buffer: 50mL;
Fluorogenic P-gp Substrate: 1 vial;
P-gp Inhibitor (Verapamil): 1 vial.
100 asssys
Store at -20℃ and protect from light.
Gel Pack
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.

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